Let’s take a quick trip back in time to 2008…
On September 12th, we were adamantly told by Barack Obama, “I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”
Do you remember that?
But the Affordable Care Act IS a tax – no doubt about it…
In fact, a few federal judges have already declared the “Obamacare Tax” unconstitutional – meaning it goes against the US Constitution – the document that our country uses as its moral compass.
We were told that only those households making over $250K would be affected.
Another misleading statement…
Either Obama’s people underestimated the cost and how much money would be needed to get the Affordable Care Act off the ground – or they knew that almost EVERY household would be affected and didn’t care.
Is it wise to take money out of the pockets of consumers when the recovery is barely measurable, unemployment is still outrageous and a strong push from foreign powers to dislodge the American dollar as the “go to” world currency?
Some will argue that Obamacare is needed…
That everybody should be entitled to affordable health care…
But there are just as many that say that the only thing we’re entitled to is life and liberty – everything else you need to earn.
The deeper we get into 2014 – the first year the Obamacare Tax takes hold – the heavier this decision is weighing on the thoughts and minds of Americans who already pay more than their fair share of taxes…
So what are we to do?
There are some of us that are looking for a way to put more money in our pockets to replace the funds that Obamacare is sucking out – but the question is…
The market is volatile at best…
Real Estate is surging, but not everywhere…
Where can people turn to not only protect their wealth, but cash out with profits? Are there any investment tools out there that can pave a path to returns?
There are…
And while you think these things would be complicated, or at the very least, hidden from mainstream investors – they’re not.
Well, that’s not exactly true…
While they are NOT complicated – saying they’re NOT hidden – would be as misleading as saying Obamacare is NOT a tax.
These investment tools are hidden – but they’re hidden in the best way you can hide something: in plain sight.
The fact is, only a select group of individuals know exactly where to find these GUARANTEED money makers…
If you’re not part of this in crowd, you’re out – and that means the BILLIONS of dollars these people make are out of our reach.
But not anymore…
You see, Team Trinity has been talking to somebody on the “inside”. I know this all sounds a little bit like a plot to the next James Bond film, but I can tell you with absolute certainty: this is 100% REAL!
Our contact has been living off the grid…
But he’s been steadily laying groundwork and inroads with these power players, making the right kinds of connections in order to get a better understanding about how these guaranteed profit makers work.
You’ll be hearing more about him in the coming months and weeks…
But for now, let’s just say that this former Navy SEAL candidate is ready to take what’s his – by force if necessary – and we’re going to be along for the ride for this Black Ops campaign.
One of his first operations was sniffing out a medical marijuana deal – he told us all about it – and if you’ve checked that market within the last few weeks, you may have seen the company he told us about… (we can’t reveal the name of the company yet as we haven’t been cleared to divulge the information)
We were amazed at how much money early investors were able to make from this in just 2 short days – 73% profits in just over 48 hours of trading!
Well, we just heard from him recently – and he has another stellar pick that he’ll be passing along to either Eric, Tim or myself (whoever’s lucky enough to pick up the phone) – he’s just finalizing the details and making sure it’s going to be a upward mover.
We’ll send word to you when this is ready to go and which service will be the one to publish it…
In the meantime, keep your ear to the ground.