I’ve got to admit it… I get excited.
While the rest of the world gets FREAKED out over what a market pull back means for our future, I actually get excited about what the future of the financial landscape holds…
Because like the old saying goes: “Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.”
Sure, we’re living (and looking for ways to make money) in uncertain times, but short of a complete social and economic collapse; brighter days are sure to come…
They always do.
At least the economy looks a lot better than it did 2-3 years ago, but we can’t let a few bumps in the road force us to pull over.
We just need to keep driving forward.
The kicker is, while the world enters into a state of almost perpetual panic, they seem to forget one little fact…
People have gotten just as rich during trying times as they do during times of prosperity. In fact, the smart get RICHER during down swings than they do in even the best of times.
These people aren’t any different from you and me. They’re not a lot smarter, better financed or even better connected…
They just know where to look.
When inflation is on the rise, the market is tanking and commodities are flying out of control, the smart money turns to shorts.
While the concept of shorting dumbfounds me, there’s no denying its power to create wealth.
It’s the ability to short stocks that really gives investing an aura of gambling, as you’re “betting” that the stock, ETF or index will be going down.
And when losses are being recorded in every industry and in every market, it just makes smart fiscal sense to move towards shorts…
It’s one of the biggest reasons why I love ETFs so much.
Name the industry, index or market and I can probably find an ETF that shorts it.
Oil, food, technology, emerging markets, transportation, infrastructure…
I could keep going on and on.
But what you really need to understand is this…
Just because the markets dip, doesn’t mean we should shy away from making money, because there’s a lot of money out there to be made.
We don’t have to sit on the sidelines and wait for the dust to settle…
We can be proactive in building our wealth, because you can bet your bottom dollar that people like Warren Buffet and George Soros are finding creative ways to make money. In fact, Mr. Buffet is a true contrarian at heart…
When the world’s buying – he’s selling. When it’s selling? He’s buying. It’s why he’s one of the most successful investors in the history of trading. He came from a time when Americans were tough – through and through.
Is Your Money Where it Ought to Be?
Today’s market volatility is wreaking havoc on investors throughout the world, but even in these turbulent times, there is always a place to profit.
ETFs are a solid and proven choice to make money no matter which direction the market chooses to move – and with almost double or triple the gains as your generic stock picks.
Let me show you how to use ETFs to cash in and win big in today’s market.
Well… I still believe that Americans are tough people.
We will survive the tough times. We’ve done it before and we’ll do it again…
But it’s those of us that prosper now that will be sitting pretty when we come out on the other side.