“Short the dollar… NOW!”
That may be the most un-American sentence I’ve ever been forced to type – but I feel it necessary to try and keep our readers in the black for the coming war.
“What war,” you ask?
I’m not talking about the war between Israel and Palestine/Hamas…
Nor am I talking about the looming tension brewing between the United States and Russia (though Russia IS involved)…
I’m talking about the coming currency war that just saw it’s first offensive launched by the BRICS coalition of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South America.
These 5 countries are banding together for one purpose and one purpose only – to put forth a currency to devalue the American dollar in an effort to loosen America’s hold on the world economy.
Their reasoning? Simple – the existing system, which is all predicated on the American dollar, just isn’t working anymore. For 70 years, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been the star that the world’s economic system revolves around – but there are some who believe the IMF is passed it’s time and should be put out to pasture…
So BRICS is ready to create a new currency to replace the dollar…
“If the existing institutions were doing their jobs perfectly, there would be no need to go to the trouble of creating a new bank, a new fund,” said Paulo Nogueira Batista, who represents Brazil and 10 other countries at the IMF, in an interview.
It’s a move that’s going to create a currency war unlike any we’ve ever witnessed before…
This has been in the works for years – and while many see Putin as the mastermind behind all the evils in this world, the truth is, China is the biggest proponent of this new currency and has been trying to take over the world economy since they became the world’s #1 exporter.
America used to hold that position…
But it became more profitable to send that production overseas where it could be done for 1/10 the price.
Some wonder how much that move is costing us now.
But we’re not here to talk about the past – we’re here to talk about the future – and what impact BRICS will have on our ability to make money.
One of the biggest concerns about the BRICS institutions (The New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement) – which are dominated by China – will not be as stringent at safeguarding the economic environment or fighting corruption when they make their financing deals.
Aware of these concerns, BRICS made a point to say they will be working closely with the IMF, but will it be enough to shift the power away from the American dollar?
That remains to be seen…
But regardless of who’s left standing after the dust settles, the fact remains that the impact will be felt almost immediately on the dollar’s value.
I believe that we’ll see an initial drop that will surprise a lot of people…
And while it pains me to say, I can see no other option than to go ahead and short the American dollar.
There are plenty of options to choose from…
I’ve been tracking two short ETFs that should see a significant price surge once BRICS takes effect.
I’ll be revealing these picks to my subscribers at the M3 Profit Accelerator…
I believe being forewarned is being fore armed. And I plan on taking my shot at profits the only way I can see this thing playing out.
However, this doesn’t mean that I’m declaring defeat of the American dollar – but I do believe it’s in a fight for it’s life – and I believe that while after taking a few heavy blows, it’ll make a comeback and win not only the battle, but the war as well.
American’s may not always be the smartest…
We may not always be the best…
But we’re some of the toughest S.O.B.s to walk the planet – so I hope BRICS is ready – cause if they think they’re going to take us down, they better pack a lunch…
It’s going to be a LONG day for them.