Believe me, I’m a patriot. I love my country. Even in its current state of ball-less letter writing and “sanctions”… I still love my country.
But it’s very hard to believe that we can’t stop another country from dismantling another. We’re literally sitting and watching as Russia tears the Ukraine to pieces.
Sure, on the TV we’re “mad as hell” but we do nothing. We consult with the useless (the UN) and we issue sanctions…
But sanctions on a country that not only can turn them around on us, and flip us the bird, but not give a crap about it.
The thing is the U.S supports the Russia in regards to agriculture and all kinds of exports; from vehicles, milk, milk products, meat, fish etc. The list goes on and on.
Granted, it’s not free, they pay for it, but it’s coming from us nonetheless.
But Russia doesn’t need us. Yes, we’re the greatest country in the world and we produce endless amounts of beef, fish, agriculture, vehicles, etc… but so does every other country in the world.
Case in point; a ban, announced recently by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a televised Cabinet meeting, covers all imports of meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, milk and milk products from the U.S., the European Union, Australia, Canada and Norway. It will last for one year.
“Until the last moment, we hoped that our foreign colleagues would understand that sanctions lead to a deadlock and no one needs them. But they didn’t, and the situation now requires us to take retaliatory measures.” This was said by Medvedev.
That retaliation, while very ballsey, not only will affect the West, but Russia too.
But that doesn’t matter.
You see…
They’re coming back at us in the same way we’re going at them; monetarily; and we all know that hitting someone’s pocketbook is a solid maneuver.
Russia depends heavily on imported food and food products, most of it from Europe, particularly in Moscow and other large, prosperous cities.
In 2013, the EU exported 11.8 billion euros ($15.8 billion) in agricultural goods to Russia, while the U.S. sent $1.3 billion in food and agricultural goods.
Chris Weafer, an analyst at Macro Advisory in Moscow, said the ban will likely speed up inflation and further cloud an already grim economic outlook. “Along with higher interest rates, higher food costs will mean that households have less money to spend and that will depress the economy,” he said.
The Netherlands, one of the world’s largest agricultural exporters, sends 1.5 billion euros’ worth of agricultural products to Russia annually and stands among the countries with the most to lose.
So what does that mean?
Russia will win. Because the Netherlands, in the big scheme of things, is just going along with the UN because in reality it’s the right thing to do.
But, there’s going to come a point where the Netherlands will have to do what’s right for its own people and that means beginning to export to Russia once again.
And the same goes for Europe and Australia and the U.S.
The Russians have nothing to lose. They will simply go elsewhere to get what they need; Central America is a prime example – they’re sanctioning no one!
The thing is with the Ruskies, they’re commies in sheep’s clothing and will always be. The government comes first and the people second in these types of countries.