Finding the best long term dividend stocks is far more involved than simply screening for stocks that pay high dividends. Locating these stocks is very similar to locating any stock to add to your portfolio. What I like to do is start with a list of stocks that pay high dividends then drill down into each company for the classic tells that shares will be moving higher. Screening int his manner finds the ultimate growth stocks that pay high dividends.
One of these tells is insider buying. A high dividend paying stock named Home Loan Servicing Solutions (Nasdaq:HLSS) has recently been subject to aggressive insider buying. This is an excellent signal that this stock that pays high dividends is at the very least stable and hopefully going to appreciate in value.
Company president John Van Vlack has been snatching up shares as the price plunged all the way to below $17.50 per share. Since that time, price has started to climb higher and is approaching $19.00 per share as this is being written.
HLSS is expanding into different types of mortgages which should allow it to weather any type of interest rate increase.
The company boast a market cap of $1.33 billion, produces revenue of $184.48 million and shows a strong 22.70% revenue growth.
Not only does this company yield a dividend north of 10% annually the fundamental metrics make it a strong growth stock candidate.
I love the ability to collect such a substantial dividend while waiting for very strong possibility of upside price growth.
Action to Take:
Buy shares now and hold!
SOURCE: http://tradingtips.com/daily/dividend-stocks/growth-income-single-stock/